- Relay For Life
- Walk to End Genocide
- Mitzvah Day
- ADL Concert
- Ride for the Living
- Safe Zone Training
- Human Trafficking Discussion
- Jewish World Watch
- Habitat for Humanity
- Inclusion Shabbat
- Climate Tzedek
- Write Cards to Children in Israel
- Light the World
- Receive a Challah
- Hot Lunches To Remember 9/11
- Adopt a Family for the Holidays
- Afghan Refugees
- Kindness Cafe
- Operation Gratitude Packages
- Tu BiShvat Planting
- Tour Many Mansions
- ADL Walk Against Hate
- Teen Ambassador Program
- Chanukah Mitzvah Miracles
- Afghanistan Refugee Aid
- Bowl Painting Party
- Coats/Sweatshirt Sorting
- District Attorney’s Office
- Social Action@Home
- Many Mansions
- Thanksgiving Baskets
- Challah Bake
- L’Dough V’Dough
- Community Holiday Dinners
- Every Vote Counts Campaigns
- Collection Drives
- MLK Jr. Past Events
- Challah Project
- Women’s Interfaith Network
- Homeward LA
- Mitzvah Day
- Year Round Meals
- Gemilut Chasadim Chavarim
- Backpacks for Children 2018