Making a Difference Together
“You are not required to complete the work, yet you are not allowed to desist from it”
– Pirkei Avot, 2:21

The mission of TAE’s Social Action Committee is to encourage the education of and participation in understanding the local, national and global human needs around us. Whether the need is immediate or ongoing, we seek to develop and perform meaningful programs and acts of tikkun olam (healing the world) which respond to those needs. We strive to perform mitzvot reflecting the ideals of Reform Judaism and welcome involvement from all temple members.

To find out what our Social Action Committee has planned for this year, click here!

All TAE partners are encouraged to get involved. To learn more, email our Social Action Committee at Read the Latest Social Action Newsletter

Relay For Life

Make a difference, join the TAE Relay For Life team!

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Shoes That Fit

Donate a pair of shoes to a child in need.

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Operation Gratitude Packages

Help others in our community.

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Kindness Cafe

Help others in our community.

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Club Chesed

Teach your kids to care for our world.

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Blood Drive

Save a life, donate blood!

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ADL Kulanu

Empowering synagogues to fight against antisemitism.

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Hot Meal Program

Help provide hot meals to those in need.

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Knitting/Crocheting for Charity

Make scarfs, hats, and small blankets for charity!

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Donation Guide

Find the right donation center.

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Israel Conflict Resources

Find resources regarding the Israel conflict.

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Fighting Hate

Teach your kids to care for our world.

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Ukraine Relief

Donate to help support Ukraine.

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Social Justice Task Forces

Task forces are open to all TAE members!

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TAE Racial Education

We take pride in our efforts to make the world a better place.

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Gift of Life

You can save someone’s life by being a bone marrow donor!

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Tzedakah Box

Our Tzedakah box is located in the foyer, outside the sanctuary doors.

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What We’ve Been Doing

See what we've been doing to help make a difference.

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