Adult B’nei Mitzvah

Adult B’nei Mitzvah

Adult b’nei mitzvah is a modern ritual for those who did not become bar/bat mitzvah at age 13. At Temple Adat Elohim, the Adult B’nei Mitzvah program is an 18 month group study experience that focuses on Hebrew, liturgy, and basic Jewish knowledge. The program culminates with a Shabbat service that includes Torah readings and student speeches.

Participants enroll in this program for many different reasons. Some of these adults did not have a strong childhood Jewish education, some were in communities where women could not read from the Torah, some were not Jewish when they were 13, and some study as a way of modeling intentional Jewish living for their family and friends.

During our b’nei mitzvah program you will learn to read prayers, discover the prayers’ meaning, explore your relationship with God, learn about Torah, understand Jewish holidays, and more!

  • Open to both TAE partners and non-partners.
  • The classes typically meet for about 37 session on Sundays, from 9 – 11 a.m.
  • Classes are taught by TAE’s Clergy, Staff, and special guests.

There is an adult b’nei mitzvah program happening now! To find out about future programming or to be added to an interest list, click here.

Please contact Susana Rubinstein at or 818-590-3968, for more information about our adult b’nei mitzvah classes.