Music enables us to experience holy moments in a much deeper way. Temple Adat Elohim has an expansive and unique music program, under the leadership of award-winning composer and arranger Cantor David Shukiar. With music composed and arranged specifically for our various choirs and ensembles that you will not hear anywhere else, our music spans the generations and genres, allowing us to feel the depths of our liturgy and pray in our own communal voice.

Temple Adat Elohim Chorale
The TAE chorale leads Friday evening services with the Band of Milk and Honey monthly.
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Shirei Elohim, Junior Choir
Shirei Elohim is the perfect group for our Religious School students who love to sing.
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Junior Cantors
Our Junior Cantors lead family services once a month and participate in various community events.
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Band of Milk and Honey
This temple member instrumental ensemble performs unique sounds that represents TAE.
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TAE Symphony Orchestra
The TAE Symphony is an orchestra that plays for special events within our community.
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