In this exciting part of our TAE musical family, our all member chorale learns and performs music that span many generations of Jewish History. We sing the music of great Jewish Composers like Lewandowski, Janowski, Steinberg, Helfman, Aloni, Isaacson, Friedman as well as present brand new music being created today that promise to be the classics of tomorrow.
Under the direction of Stephanie Streja, our chorale leads Friday evening services with the Band of Milk and Honey once a month, as well as participates in our High Holy Days services, Communal Chanukah Candle Lighting at the Oaks Mall, leads Shabbat Shira each year and enjoys an all-day retreat at the Brandeis Bardin campus of the American Jewish University each summer.
The TAE Adult Choir rehearses each Thursday night from 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. (9:30 p.m. in the summer months leading up to the High Holy Days). You do not need to be able to read music to join our choir family, but you will be put through a simple audition to make sure our choir is the right choir for you. Every piece of music we sing is specially arranged for our singers and instrumentalists to create a unique sound that is not duplicated in any other synagogue. For more information, contact Cantor David at