Request for TAE E-News
Do you have news you think might be right for our Wednesday TAE E-News?
Please complete this e-News Request Form and email to TAE Director of Communications Doreen Austad, by Tuesday, 12:00 p.m. If you have questions, you may call Doreen Austad at 805-728-1362. You may also contact Peggy C. Frank, chair, Program Council,, 818-642-6804.
Remember: A calendar request for all events must be submitted to ensure your date is secured and there are no conflicts at View the TAE Calendar at
Please find a fillable form here or copy the form below to a Word document. Then, complete the information, save it, and send to Doreen as an attachment.
Today’s Date _______________________ Your name _____________________________
Mobile Phone ________________________ Email _________________________________
Name of interest group/committee/Brotherhood/Sisterhood, other ___________________
Name of Contact ____________________________
Title of event _________________________________ Date of event__________________
Location of event _____________________________
Description of event. This is your sales pitch. Include the who, what, where, when, why, and how from above. Please write your promotional information below:
Please consider the following:
- Who is invited to attend (public or only TAE members, other)?
- What is the event? Is there a cost? If so, include cost.
- Where is the event taking place (location details)?
- When is the event happening/time & date?
- Why are you having this event? Why would members/public want to attend?
- How can people get more details (link, registration form, phone call, email address)?