Sisterhood Membership

When You Become a Member of Sisterhood

  • You are supporting your own congregation, its religious school, facilities and its program
  • You are helping to educate Rabbis, Cantors, teachers, and Jewish communal workers.
  • You are aligning yourself with women like yourself throughout the world, including Israel.
  • You are making a commitment to tomorrow; to the survival of Jews and Judaism in America, Israel and around the world.
  • You can be part of interest groups: e.g., book groups, movie discussion groups, women’s Torah Study, Mah Jongg and more.
  • You will be part of the national Women of Reform Judaism [] and Women of Reform Judaism Pacific District []
  • You are always needed and wanted, even if you can only spare 30 minutes a month.

The membership year is  July 1 – June 30. Annual dues are $45 for TAE Partners (members); $75 for Patron; $80 for TAE Non-Partners; $85 for a “Friend of Sisterhood” (non-TAE member). Membership for one year is complimentary to new TAE partners. Please complete the New Member form below to join. Please find payment information on the New Sisterhood Member registration form. 

We look forward to having each of you join (or rejoin) our Sisterhood family, and hope to see you at one or more of our upcoming events.

For questions, contact Cheryl Landsberg at or Bev Ovdat at Join the TAE Sisterhood Today – Please Complete the New Member Registration From Here![