Sunday Morning Speaker with Rabbi Diamond

May 7, 2023
9:15 – 11:15 a.m.
TAE Social Hall

Kabalah, Mysticism, and the Mysteries of the World

If traditional belief in God doesn’t excite you, then prepare yourself for some Jewish ideas that are so insightful, so radical, and so modern, that many rabbis tried to suppress them. But they couldn’t. Join Rabbi Diamond on May 7 and learn how ancient insights can transform our lives, whether or not we believe.

Rabbi Diamond’s Sunday morning events have always been entertaining and insightful.  This one promises to be the same.  We hope to see you there!


For those of you who plan to attend, PLEASE  RSVP TO EITHER BROTHERHOOD PRESIDENT BOB SALFI, OR HERB SHUKIAR, to know how much food to provide.  Our normal bagel brunch fare includes lox, bagels, cream cheese, herring, onions, tomatoes, fruits and other tempting treats. 

There is no charge for this event, but we do suggest a $5 donation to help defray the event’s cost.

Sponsored by Brotherhood

Outside the Box

OUT OF THE BOX: A Relaxing Evening of Creating
Thursday, March 30, 2023
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
TAE Social Hall

RSVP to Cory Jakl by Saturday, March 26, at
Materials fee: $10.00. Make checks payable to TAE Sisterhood and send to Cory Jakl
1255 Briargate Court, Oak Park 91377

Tzedakah is always the right thing to do. We know that for sure. Yet sometimes, we need to give to ourselves. That’s what we will be doing for this program: taking the time just for you, and making something, just for you. 

Who’s ready to get crafty with me? Let’s have a relaxing evening, which inevitably will include some chatting and possibly a bit of noshing, while we create. These decorative small boxes, filled with personal prompts to you, affirmations, or just plain pretty cards, will serve as a gift to yourself when you might want a moment of inspiration.

Maybe you want to create action cards – “Go to a movie alone and order the large popcorn,” or “Meditate for one hour then journal what I learned,” or “Do one thing on my to-do list.” Maybe you want to create inspiration cards, “Let go,” or “Be brave.” Whatever comes to you during class time will be just right.

No experience needed. Only a willingness to come for fun, and leave inspired.

Guilded in Gold: Celebrating 50 Years of Music

Sunday, March 26, 2023
4:00 p.m.
TAE Sanctuary

We hope you can attend this FREE CONCERT celebrating the Guild of Temple Musicians’ 50th anniversary. The concert will include music composed by Cantor Shukiar and a world premiere of a newly published collection of music from Transcontinental Music Publications, the largest publisher of Jewish music in the world.

Please RSVP if you know you will attend HERE.

Youth Group and Chill

March 21, 2023, 4:15 – 6:15 p.m.
Youth Lounge

Chill with us in the youth lounge and play our new Nintendo Switch and board games, or work on fun art projects. Snacks and drinks will be provided. If your child has Religious School after, your child may bring dinner to eat before class.

Cost is $5. Pay online HERE or pay at the door. RSVP not required.

If your child has religious school after, bring dinner to eat before class. Looking forward to chilling in our new updated youth lounge!

Sunday Morning Speaker – Rabbi Greenbaum

TAE Sunday Morning Speaker Event

March 19, 2023 in the TAE Social Hall
9:15 – 11:15 a.m.

The New Israeli Government:  Views from Israel and Elsewhere

Our Own Alan Greenbaum, Rabbi Emeritus of TAE!

The newly-elected Israeli government is the most controversial in the 75 year history of the state.  Based on Rabbi Greenbaum’s recent visit to Israel along with his own reading, he will address these and other questions:

  • What is the feeling on the street regarding the government?
  • Who are the central figures and what are they doing/saying?
  • How did this all come about?  
  • And finally, the question that Rabbi Greenbaum’s mother always asked of matters ranging from current affairs to the L.A. Dodger pitching lineup:  Will this be good for the Jews or bad for the Jews?

Rabbi Greenbaum is always an enlightening and entertaining speaker.  Everyone in our TAE community is welcome, not just Brotherhood members.  If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Brotherhood President Bob Salfi ( or Herb Shukiar (

Sponsored by Brotherhood