Yom Kippur Day Services

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

8:30 a.m. – Young Children’s Service

Sanctuary only, Tickets not necessary

This service is led by Rabbi Diamond and Cantor Shukiar and is designed for families with preschool-age children.


10:00 a.m. –Traditional Service

Sanctuary and online, tickets required

Our Traditional Service is designed to create a meaningful prayer experience led by Rabbi Diamond and Cantor Shukiar. This service includes our youth Torah readers and music from our TAE Chorale and Band of Milk and Honey. 


1:30 p.m. – Family Service

In-person and online, tickets required

Our Family Service is specifically for families with elementary school-age children. This service promises to be enlightening and includes our youth Torah readers. You do not have to have children to attend.