Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.
Featuring Professor Brian Levin, director of California State University, San Bernardino’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism
Topic: A Historical Perspective on Hate Crimes
Criminologist and attorney Brian Levin has an impressive resume. He is a professor of criminal justice and director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, where he specializes in analysis of hate crime, terrorism, and legal issues. He is the 2020 recipient of the Wang Family Excellence Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the CSU system—the CSU system is the largest in the nation. Previously, Professor Levin served as Associate Director-Legal Affairs of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Klanwatch/Militia Task Force in Montgomery, Alabama, and as a New York City Police Officer in Manhattan during the 1980s.
Professor Levin is a graduate of Stanford Law School, where he was awarded the Block Civil Liberties Award for his work on hate crime and free speech. He is the author or co-author of pioneering books, scholarly articles, training manuals and studies. He was also the principal author of influential Supreme Court amici briefs in the Supreme Court case of Wisconsin v. Mitchell in 1992-3, where he analyzed criminological data establishing hate crime’s severity. His co-authored book, The Limits of Dissent, is about the Constitution and domestic terrorism.
While we are unable to provide our normal Sunday morning fare of lox, bagels, cream cheese and other tasty treats, we are working hard to provide stimulating and thought-provoking topics from a broad spectrum of speakers. We hope you’ll find these Sunday morning speaker events entertaining and worthwhile. Future speakers include: Dr. Rob Lempert of RAND on climate change and how today’s reality compares with past climate forecasts (March 13); and a speaker from the Anti-Defamation League in a joint event with Sisterhood (April 10).
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