What happened to the Building Maintenance Fee?
The Building Maintenance Fee is being replaced with an Annual Facilities Fee. The previous Building Maintenance Fee was a one-time fee payable over 6 years. This year, the TAE Board of Trustees voted to update the model to the new Facilities Fee, while will be assessed annually (July 1 – June 30).
The Facilities Fee will help us navigate the rising costs of keeping the temple facilities safe, clean, and modern.
How much is the Annual Facilities Fee?
For the 2023-2024 fiscal year, the fee is $180 for the year. This is only $15 per month and will ensure our temple facility is well taken care of.
Do I have to pay the full facilities fee all at once?
No, just like your dues and other temple commitments, you may pay in installments throughout the year and completed by the end of each fiscal year (June 30).
If you need help setting up autopay for your account, please contact Vanessa in the temple accounting office at (805) 497-7101.
What if I already paid my Building Maintenance Fee in full?
If you’ve already completed your Building Maintenance Fee commitment, we thank you! That money helped the temple complete past building maintenance-related projects. This new fee will be assessed for all TAE partner households beginning this year, independent of any previous Building Maintenance Fees paid.
I had my building maintenance fee deferred. What if I can’t afford this additional cost on top of my dues and other temple obligations?
The Building Maintenance Fee has been superseded by the new Annual Facilities Fee which is paid annually and is not deferrable. However, if you need consideration for alternate payment plans, please complete a financial assistance form at www.adatelohim.org/financialassistance.
I’m confused and have more questions. Who can I talk to?
If you have additional questions, please feel free to call Susie Guldbeck in the temple office at (805) 497-7101.
Updated on 5/10/2023