Youth Group Special Shabbat: Games, and Art

MAETY, JAETY, & AETY (4th-12th Grades)

Friday, May 13, 2022, 6:00 – 8:50 p.m.
Temple Adat Elohim

RSVP by May 11 – Click here

We will be thanking Suzanne Gallant for all she does for TAE and the youth group. We will be making a thank you book and learning how to make friendship bracelets out of different materials. Then, we will have a pizza dinner, go to services, and enjoy a yummy Oneg Shabbat.

Cost: $10 for youth group members; $15 non-youth group members
Cost includes dinner.

Questions? Email Youth Group advisor  Carolyn at

Want to become a Youth Group member? Click here to join!