Sunday, November 21, 2021, at 10:00 a.m.
Featuring: Our own Rabbi Emeritus Alan Greenbaum
Topic: Restoring Hope as a Jewish Imperative to Life: Healing our Polarized Society
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Meeting ID: 828 7019 5111
We are living at a time when cynicism has taken grip over our country; when the basic institutions of our democratic process are challenged; where the tenets of science are ignored; where the heretofore universally-accepted notion of what constitutes truth is gone (you have your truths, and I have mine). These things (and others) are the ingredients of the “glue” which held us together as a society in the past when faced with common enemies like natural weather disasters, pandemics, and other existential threats. Most importantly, this cynicism has destroyed our ability to hope. In Judaism, “hope” is a core value and must be nurtured. We will explore the nature of hope and discover how it has been exhibited as a Jewish imperative to life.
We hope you’ll find these Sunday morning speaker events enlightening, thought-provoking, entertaining and worthwhile. Future speakers include Dr. Pete Peterson, Dean of Pepperdine University’s School of Public Policy, speaking on our nation’s shifting political perspective (January 23); Professor Brian Levin, Esq., of California State University San Bernardino, speaking on domestic terrorism (February 20); and Dr. Rob Lempert of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and RAND on global warming and how today’s reality compares with past IPCC forecasts (March 13). This year’s speaker series concludes with a joint ZOOM event with Sisterhood on April 10, featuring a speaker from the Anti-Defamation League.
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