TAE Speaker Event

Featuring: Dan Meisel, Regional Director of the ADL Santa Barbara/Tri-Counties Region

Topic: Tackling Challenging Conversations in a Divided Community (or household)

Sunday, April 10th, at 10:00 a.m.
Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 828 7019 5111

Political division is challenging our relationships. Without necessarily changing our opinions, there are some steps we can take to enable less divisive conversations about the subjects we care about. Dan Meisel, Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League office that serves Ventura County, will share some lessons he has learned from difficult conversations, followed by a Q&A about that topic and other ADL-related topics that may be on your mind.

All are welcome to attend. Sponsored by Sisterhood and Brotherhood

While we are unable to provide our normal Sunday morning fare of lox, bagels, cream cheese and other tasty treats, we are working hard to provide stimulating and thought-provoking topics from a broad spectrum of speakers.  We hope you’ll find these Sunday morning speaker events thought-provoking, entertaining and worthwhile.  Future speakers include: Professor Brian Levin of CSU San Bernardino speaking on domestic terrorism (February 20); Dr. Rob Lempert of RAND on climate change and how today’s reality compares with past climate forecasts (March 13); a speaker from the Anti-Defamation League in a joint event with Sisterhood (April 10).

Additional Zoom Information:

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82870195111
Meeting ID: 828 7019 5111

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