Mishloach Manot



Mishloach Manot is a time-honored practice of gift-giving and exchanging that harks back to the joyous days of Esther and Mordechai. This tradition fosters community spirit, friendship, and unity. 

This year, as the Jewish people face hate around the globe, it’s especially important to let people know you are thinking of them. To assist with this, we are offering the opportunity to give Mishloach Manot to your TAE friends and family. Let’s turn this Purim into a shining example of what we can achieve when we come together in kindness and celebration!

When you participate in our Mishloach Manot program, you are also helping Temple Adat Elohim!

Please participate in this tradition by Friday, March 1, 2024.

How the Mishloach Manot exchange works:

  • Mishloach Manot Recipients: Every TAE family, teacher, and staff member will receive one gift bag accompanied by a personalized letter. This letter will list the names of all individuals or families who contributed to their Mishloach Manot.
  • Program Participation Form: To participate in the program, you click on the link below, log in, and complete the form (click here for login instructions). You have the flexibility to send messages to specific people, reciprocate to anyone who sends you a Mishloach Manot message, or extend your greetings to the entire TAE and ECC community, including all families, teachers, and staff.
  • Reciprocity: Looking to ensure that anyone who sends you a Mishloach Manot greeting is not left without acknowledgment? We are here for you! Choose one of the reciprocity options on the participation form (options 2 and 3) to guarantee that anyone who sends you a Mishloach Manot greeting will automatically receive one in return.
  • Personalized Letters: Your name will be featured on the personalized letter that is emailed to Mishloach Manot recipients, ensuring they are aware of your thoughtful gesture. Traditionally, it’s encouraged to give at least two gifts every Purim to share in the spirit of the holiday.
  • Cost: This heartfelt exchange begins with a first tribute of just $18, and just $3 for each additional tribute. For those wishing to send a Mishloach Manot greeting to the entire community, the total cost is $360.Participate in our Mishloach Manot Program Here


  • Religious School: Purim gifts will be distributed to Religious School on March 10, 12, and 13, 2024 during school hours.
  • Early Childhood Center (ECC): Purim gifts will be distributed to ECC families during the week of March 11, 2024, during school hours.
  • Congregation:
    • Drive-thru: You may pick up your gifts from Cantor and Rabbi on March 19 and March 21, 2024, from 3:00 to 4:00 PM.
    • Shabbat: You may pick up your gift at our Purim Shabbat on March 22, 2024.
    • Anytime after March 10, 2024: If you do not have a child attending the ECC or Religious School you may pick up your gift after March 10, 2024, from the main office Monday – Friday, between the hours of 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM. 
    • Last Day for Pick-up: The last day to pick-up your Mishloach Manot gifts from the office is Friday, March 22, 2024.
  • I do not have transportation to get to the temple… What do I do? If you do not have transportation to get to the temple, live locally, and would like to receive a Mishloach Manot gift, please call the temple office at 805-497-7101, and let us know how we can help.

If you need assistance, please call the temple office at (805) 497-7101.