March 27, 2020
Dear TAE Family,
We hope you are all safe and healthy in your homes and want you to know how we are responding during these unprecedented times. In just a few short weeks, we have transformed from a community that meets exclusively in person to a virtual community, with live streaming services, online education, and other programming via and on our social media. In this way, we continue to connect with our TAE community, strengthen relations, educate one another, and pray together from within our homes and across any distance. You will receive regular updates in your email, and they also will be made available on our website.
Connecting All Members
To stay connected, we have organized a team of volunteers to reach out to each of our members. We want to check in on your spirits and general well-being. We also want to help you and everyone in the congregation access technologies to connect to TAE services, classes, and meetings being held over Zoom, Facebook, YouTube, etc. Additionally, we are helping all of our members to log into the TAE online database so each member can access our online directory, update their information, and more. We are also assessing whether people need help with shopping to determine if this is another area where we may be able to assist.
Shabbat and Worship Services
We hope that you are enjoying our weekly Shabbat services with Rabbi Diamond and Cantor Shukiar, which are being streamed Fridays at 7:30 p.m. over YouTube and Facebook.
You can also join them for Havdalah at 7:00 p.m. Saturday evening on TAE’s Facebook page. Click here to access the live stream page on our website or join us on our Facebook page.
Let’s Count Our Blessings each weekdays morning at 9:00 a.m. with Rabbi Diamond for this 30-minute orientation to our day. Click here to access the service and here to access a free online version of our prayer book.
Educational Programs
Our educational programs are being transformed to maximize the on-line learning experience. ECC Director Donna Becker, Director of Education Marcy Goldberg, Cantor Shukiar, and our education staff are creating online learning experiences that will connect our students to one another as well as continue to develop their knowledge and skills. Yasher Koach to our wonderful educators for rising to the challenge.
Early Childhood Center
- Our ECC teachers in all grades are creating live, interactive time with students three times a week, on either Zoom, Facebook, Webex, or Houseparty.
- Teachers are posting multiple videos, including story time, singing, yoga classes, and Passover content to explore the upcoming holiday.
- More enriching content is being created and posted regularly, as well as links to professional resources.
- Our music specialist is preparing sing-along videos for our students and their families.
- A parent meeting with Bette Alkazian, LMFT and parenting specialist, is in the works.
- Director Donna Becker is contacting families and students individually.
- Finally, every Friday, we’ll be offering recorded, favorites songs from our morning Tot Shabbat services with Cantor David and Rabbi Diamond.
Religious School
- Religious school students, kindergarten through 6th grade, will meet online Sunday mornings through Zoom. Parents will receive a link from their child’s teacher prior to class.
- Grades 3–6 are already receiving private Hebrew tutoring from their teachers via Zoom during the week.
- Students in the final stages of preparing to celebrate their bar/bat mitzvah will meet with Cantor and their individual trope tutor via Zoom.
- Classes for 7th grade through Confirmation will meet via Zoom on Tuesday nights.
- Our 11th and 12th grade Sunday Night Live program will continue Sunday evenings via Zoom.
Adult Meetings and Classes
- Tea Time with Rabbi Lotker meets at 4:00 p.m. daily. Click here to access.
- Talmud and Torah Study classes will continue as well, with regular Saturday classes at 8:00 a.m. for Talmud and 9:00 a.m. for Torah. Click here for the classes and here for the Talmud text.
- Click here for Men’s Torah study, Mondays at 7:00 p.m. and click here for Women’s Torah Study Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. (their regular times), also on Zoom.
- Reminders and Zoom links are posted in our weekly email updates, as well as on the website.
As we continue to move through these difficult times, we encourage you to stay updated on the latest, factual news provided by the CDC and other government agencies. We hope you find the links provided below helpful.
- Centers for Disease Control:
- California Department of Public Health:
- Ventura County Health Care Agency:
- Ventura County Emergency Response
- Los Angeles County Department of Public Health:
- Harbor House:
- Manna Food Bank:
- Food Share of Ventura County:
As we draw together, we hope you know how deeply we cherish you and the community that we create together.
Juli Rycus, President
Rabbi Barry Diamond
Cantor David Shukiar
Aliza Goland, Executive Director
Marcy Goldberg, Director of Education
Donna Becker, ECC Director
The whole world is a very narrow bridge. And the most important thing is not to be afraid.
—Nachman of Breslov