Thursday, October 3, 2024
Join us as we gather on Rosh Hashanah by a body of water and recite Tashlich Prayers. These prayers consist of selected chapters of Tehillim (Psalms).
“Tashlich” is the symbolic casting of sins into the water to symbolize our wish to get rid of our sins, and to be forgiven by God. It is a ceremonial tossing of bread crumbs, which represents our sins, into a flowing body of water. Hope to reflect on the past year and engage in this spiritual cleansing ritual with you. We always hope for a better year ahead!
And You will cast into the depths of the sea all their sins; You will show kindness to Yaakov and mercy to Avraham, as You did promise to our fathers of old.” – Book of Micah (Micah) 7:18-20